The Sea Project
Cleaner Oceans means Cleaner Sea Salt for a More Natural Accelerated Healing of Piercings.

A New Trash Pick Up Campaign
for a New Generation
A New Trash Pick UP Campaign for a New Generation
The Pacific Pathways Sea Project is Simple.
When Visiting the Ocean and You Sea Trash, Pick It Up.
Please Dispose of it Properly and Thank You for That.
Your Kind Act can help break the cycle of so many different pollutants, plastics
and other harmful effects trash can be cause when it enters our Oceans, Lakes & Streams.

The Saying
"Salt Water Can Fix That"
Has Proven for Decades to be Incredibility True.

An Interesting Campaign Name
But someones gotta do Something about our scenic ocean cliff side Pacific Pathways
becoming potty bombed & poop smeared.
While on a Pacific Pathway ocean stroll,
we should be able to admire the scenery
without having to zig zag through the pathways potty bombs and poop smears.
Future campaigns hope to maintain clean up bag distribution centers
on our Pacific Pathways
with proper poop scoop bags for those that leave the house without them.
This project is called
Please make the effort one step further and dispose of Poop Bags Properly.
Lets keep our Ocean, Pacific Pathway and Community clean and safe.