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Studio Safety Controls Policy

   Baby Ear Piercing Has Created This Comprehensive Safety Control Policy

with an Intention to Protect Every Guest Visiting The Studio To The Best of Our Ability.

Earpiercing shop at BabyEarpiecing/com.
Clean EarPiercing Services at BabyEarPiercing,com

  The Fuel for our passion is when our guests specifically know exactly why

they are making this trusted decision & choice to support this business.

Please be Ready For Professional Ear Piercing Services

Ear Piercings and Sickness:

Do not schedule a service appointment if you or someone

you have been in contact with has been exposed to

Covid-19, Variants, Viruses or other illnesses

in the last 3 months or continues to have questionable ongoing symptoms.

It is not necessary to disclose any vaccination status in order to receive services.

We believe that a vaccination status remains a personal private matter.

The in studio environmental controls that are implemented and equipped are considered safe for most individuals.

Do not schedule a service appointment or enter the studio

if you or the person you are accompanying for services has

a running nose, nose crust, cough, sore throat, fever, abnormal temperature, blisters

or other viral skin outbreak,diarrhea, vomiting, gooey eyes,

eye discharge or other questionable symptoms of various illnesses.

Please do not bring a child to the studio for a piercing if they are displaying these symptoms.

Do Not Bring a Sick Baby or Person to Receive Ear Piercing Services.

Determination of Wellness:

Exposure: After exposure, wait 14 days free of symptoms development/ negative test results.

After a Confirmed Sickness: Wait 90 days free with no symptoms/ negative test results.

A Successful Piercing Needs a Healthy Host.

 Studio Environmental Safety Controls Policy for Services.

Updated 2/04/25

Baby Ear Piercing is a private facility that will continue to maintain and implement extreme, safer

environmental safety mandates and control measures that may not be required by local, county and state.,,

Ayuub & or Angel, a DEH Licensed Body Art Practitioner, Former OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Provider

and Blood Borne Pathogens Safety Compliant Specialist will greet you wearing PPE (personal protective equipment)

Please be sure to read Latest Environmental Health and Safety Guide before scheduling an appointment.

It is imperative that all of those in attendance be informed of these

in-studio safety guideline procedures which are enforced during service appointments before arriving to the studio.

Your cooperation, understanding and patience is extremely important and appreciated.

Please do not ask for exceptions or show up planning to be an exception

from the mandates listed on this entire page,

 including the Square Reservation System.


The appointment system is automated.

Generally, We are aware of your upcoming appointment and We Are expecting your arrival.

Please arrive on time. Even if it seems like your are just waiting in your car,

We are usually prepping the studio space and sanitizing the environment for you.


 Do not approach the studio or walk up to, touch, knock on,

open the studio door or try to enter through the exit door on Winchester Blvd.

Do not unload your child or bring the family up to the studio door.

Part of our service consultation includes meeting you at your vehicle.

This is especially helpful in keeping children calm in their familiar surrounding 

as we talk about Baby Ear Piercing Service details.

This studio space is designed to graciously and spaciously accommodate a select and specified number

of one family in the building per service at a time

Please observe the entry sign posted on the studio door

Studio Safety at Baby Ear Piercing


This sign is posted on the door.


All Guests Should be Ready for Services.

Please take care of all the necessaries before the entering the studio.

When you arrive to the studio, Park in the parking lot as close to the studio door as possible.

If you have arrived before your appointment time, Please send an arrival text with your appointment time.

    Please wait safely in or near your vehicle for a Return Welcome Text and Instructions for clearance to be escorted into the studio.

Depending on the situation, We usually will meet you at your car for your consultation in the parking lot side.


The Entrance for services is on the parking lot side only and not the front face of the building on Winchester Blvd.

Do Not Unload Children or Kids From Vehicle or Approach Studio Door With Children or Kids.

Keep the studio entrance clear.

ONE registered adult guest with one additional Adult Guest and the one minor child

who will be receiving services can be cleared for entrance into the studio per service appointment.

The same adult guest shall attend and conclude the entire service & transaction. Please no switch offs.

A Minor, Infant, Baby or Toddler obtaining services shall

be accompanied during services (by the same) parent(s).



A minor guest obtaining services may be accompanied

by up to two adult spectating guests per service.

A spectating guest in attendance is the responsibility of the registered service appointment attendee.

A spectating guest must follow the Environmental Health and Safety Procedure Protocols

and will remain seated in the Service procedure area

or in the observation area behind the partitions during the entire procedure.

Please no wandering around the studio.


Please do not bring additional children to the facility that do not have a service appointment.

An Appointment will be cancelled if additional children

are brought to an appointment and do not have a safe, out of the facility supervisor.


 Please sanitize your hands before entering and leaving the studio.


Please Avoid Touching Almost Everything:if the surface is not protected with a Barrier.

 In order to keep the facility safer,

We require that all attending guests to avoid touching or leaning on all common surfaces

such as doors & handles, showcases, walls, procedure areas,

partitions, displayed products or any other surface or item that is unprotected without a barrier during your service visit.



May be allowed only at the discretion of the attending Licensed DEH Safe Body Art Practitioner

and Only when the procedure or scheduled appointment time is not in conflict.

Photo opportunities are usually available before and aftera procedure that is successfully running on time.

 There are no photos or videos allowed during the actual piercing service procedure.

  Additional Environmental Heath and Safety Detail*

*Please do not bring excessive bags, blankets, toys, stuffed animals and other items into the studio.

*Pacifiers must be on a clip cord to prevent dropping onto the floor.

*Keep your phone stored away or in pocket during your studio visit.

*Avoid touching, wiping, or picking your own or your child's piercings, face, mouth, nose and eyes.

*Avoid touching or handling of any unprotected items or surfaces in the studio.

*Do not touch, tap, lean on walls, counters, partitions or pick up items in studio.

*No eating, drinks or feeding of any kind inside of the studio.

*Do not pick up anything dropped onto floor.

*You must exit the studio Immediately to cough, sneeze, vomit or handle diaper blowouts.

*Please exit the studio immediately after finalizing your service check out details.

*Aftercare consultations will be delivered by one select method which may be text, phone or a select internet media platform.

*Please ask for assistance if you would like to exit the building at anytime.


By reading these guidelines, as you help set the Safety Mode,

We can definitely tell the difference that you read this and are informed.

Before you leave and at any time during your in-studio appointment

say "PURPLE PONY" to receive a helpful, very tiny appreciation bonus.


We are positively fueled by guests like you, who have the trust, confidence and took the time

to know exactly why you are choosing our services here at Baby Ear Piercing.Thank You.


Failing to follow the in studio safety procedural guidelines may result in services being denied through

the cancellation and service fees collection policy which will remain in full effect.


Our Goal is to continue to deliver a safer and efficient service.

Communication is key.

This 40th revision has been written by

Angel DEH Licensed Body Art Practitioner,

Ear & Nose Piercing Professional, Former Authorized OSHA General Industry Outreach Trainer.

New, Safe Ear Piercing Proceedure Trays at Baby Ear Piercing in San Jose , CA 95128

 Safer In Studio Environmental Controls for 2024:

Air Purification, 3 Stand Alone Units

Co2 air exchange monitor

Elimination of shared common touch situations.

Barriers applied onto applicable shared touch common areas.

EPA Disinfectant with a 30 sec to 1 min. destroy time applied when a shared common touch or surface area is noted.

 EPA Disinfectant applied to floors Daily and when need more frequently with EPA Disinfectant with a 30 sec to 1 min. kill time.

Hand Sanitizing Stations

Controlled Studio Occupancy and Entry.

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