Park in the parking lot
as close as possible
to the entrance which is located
in the parking lot side near Subway
Please send a text upon your arrival
for your scheduled appointment
or give a wave when you see us
looking for you in your vehicle.
We are usually running on time
and often, early.
(5 minute flex for guests is in effect)
We can conveniently meet you
at or near your vehicle
for your consultation.
(this keeps most children more calm)
Please wait in or near your vehicle,
(weather permitting)
Please DO NOT Unload Your Children.
Masks are Optional.
Please wear as a courtesy
if you have health concerns.
We are wearing masks.
Please DO NOT approach the studio
or meet us at directly the studio door
and if you do, then please observe
the sign posted at the door.
980 South Winchester Blvd. Unit #30
San Jose, CA 95128
Located in the business complex
at the cross streets of Winchester
& Williams Road.
Entrance is in the Parking Lot.
Pictured is the outside for
locating purposes only
and not the actual entrance.
Important Reminders
About your Arrival to
the Baby Ear Piercing Studio.
We are Looking Forward
to Seeing You.
To Experience the Most Pleasant
Visit as Possible at the studio,
Please Be Sure to Review
These Helpful Guideline Reminders.
You will be invited to enter the studio
after your consultation
& the appropriate safety
precautionaries have been implemented.
This private studio is set up
to accommodate 2 parents
of 1 minor child
who is obtaining a service
or 2 adults obtaining a service.
For Safety Reasons,
We Cannot Accept
Additional Guests into the Studio
besides the listed capacity of two adults
and one minor child per service
or two adults per service.
Please be sure to actually read the latest environmental health and safety guideline mandates that you have already agreed to
when this appointment was
originally scheduled
so there are no unpleasant surprises.
With our expert guidance,
we want you to experience a smooth, streamlined, professional experience
during your service visit today.
Your cooperation is really appreciated
and needed to meet these standards.
Please do not attempt to modify
or change our service program protocols
or ask for exceptions.